That one drink

We’ve all got it; that one drink….that one special liquid concoction that never fails to bring a warm smile to your face no matter the circumstance.

Be it an inward nostalgic fuzzy feeling or an open-mouthed gasp of ‘now that’s better’ you know your drink and there is no greater feeling than getting your hands on it….and no greater disappointment than getting a bad one! You’ve been a good human all year and you deserve this and then, boom, its not what you remember, bad times.

Speaking personally this drink is, or should I say was the Negroni. A spectacularly simple combination of gin, Campari and sweet Italian vermouth. Couldn’t be simpler – equal measures and stir down and pour over fresh ice. In Italy they don’t even bother stirring it, they just throw it all in a glass and let nature take its course. Spectacular. Dry. Bitter. Hints of orange. Cold. Strong. More descriptive words spring to mind but I shan’t bore you with the rest.

What’s interesting is the last time I had one I was left wanting. Was it the bartender? His ingredients? I watched him make it and I’m sure it all looked ok. Was it the glass? We know this to be a true fact that the glass makes a difference – try sipping a Chateau La Tour ’96 out of a pint glass and then from a crystal wine glass and you’ll know (ps I haven’t done this but for the purposes of this blog lets say that’s how I roll!).

Nope, the glass is good. 

So the only other option is the slightly tubby bearded human holding the glass. Me. Have I changed? Did I have a coffee before drinking this and it tainted my taste buds? Oh lord above no….I haven’t drunk so many that I’m now immune to their powers?

No Jamie….your palate has matured. Oh….

So where now? Erm, well you could order a double to be sure…but then you could ask your barperson for their advice.

And this is where this unnecessarily long reflection on drinking comes to.

When you want to feel new and sexy you want a new haircut you don’t go back to the old style, you speak to your stylist and they will take your thoughts and ideas and create a new sensation upon your bonce.

So why not take the same tack with the bartender that pours your ever so loved drink. It is their profession and their passion after all.

I for one have moved towards to Boulevardier. Same style as a Negroni but with Bourbon, and heavier on the bourbon than the Campari and sweet vermouth. It’s an old dog with new tricks. 

We get it all the time at the bar when we ask what it might be you fancy and people don’t know. It’s confusing. If we were in a restaurant you could tell me easily if you wanted a herb based dish or a citrus flavoured one. But these flavours transcend food and move seamlessly to drink.

So next time you’re in the bar speak up, be bold, let that bartender or floor staff know what your desires are – I can tell you it’s a delight to be handed a guide by the customer to ensure that I include the flavours they want and I stand a much higher chance of being able to make their night with the right drink with the right flavours.

Trust me, your bartender will love you for it and it will elevate your drinking experience.

The Negroni

25ml gin // 25ml Campari // 25ml sweet vermouth

Place all 3 ingredients into a stirring glass and stir, pour over fresh ice in a tumbler and garnish with an orange slice.

The Boulevardier

40ml Bourbon // 20ml Campari // 20ml sweet vermouth

Place all 3 ingredients into a stirring glass and stir, strain into a cold coupe or a tumbler with fresh ice and garnish with orange rind


All you need is love


Shaken not Stirred